๐๐๐Commission Terms of Service๐๐๐
By commissioning me, you confirm you have read and agree to the following terms:
Concerning intellectual property and finished piece distribution
I provide commissions exclusively via digital medium. There will never be any physical component.
Completed pieces will be delivered via furaffinity.net notes. I may not keep all pieces of art forever. It is the sole duty of the commissioner to save and store a completed commission after it is distributed if they wish to retain it.
My work is for personal or private use only. I do not allow my art to be used for commercial purposes or profit unless commercial usage is specifically requested by the commissioner and agreed to by both parties.
I maintain all rights to my work, including the selling of prints or other physical items, unless specifically requested not to by the commissioner prior to payment.
No other party other than myself is allowed to edit, trace, copy or remove the watermark from a finished product.
Process details
You must be 18 years of age or older to commission work from me. If I find that you are not, I will issue an appropriate refund as per my refund policy, and cease work immediately.
I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason.
Full payment is required before I will begin any work except in the case where I and the commissioner agree to a payment plan.
Instant payment is required. eChecks do not usually go through, and take a week+ to deposit when they do. If you send payment via an eCheck, I will refund your purchase IF the payment goes through, and I will cancel your commission.
Upon the conclusion of an auction, the invoice must be paid within 24 hours of sending. If not, I will default to the next highest bidder.
I may cancel a commission at any time, at which point the commissioner will be issued a full refund.
Only visual, 2D references will be accepted. No 3D. No shaded references.
Upon completion, the commissioner will be given a digital product in high resolution via note or e-mail if that method of delivery is requested. The commissioner agrees to NOT upload the high resolution copy online, as it is reserved for their private use. A single personal print can be created from the personal copy.
The commissioner is welcome to upload the smaller watermarked version to their gallery and anywhere else they wish to. Credit must be given in form of a link or mention of my full nickname.
Edits and changes:
For custom Full Render, there is no wip or approval process unless stated otherwise.
For YCH and auction pieces, I will send two wips during the process. One wip will be sent upon completion and refinement of the sketch. Any edits to composition must be requested at this stage and this stage alone. A second wip will be sent upon completion of flat colors. Any changes during these stages will be completed in no more than two edit cycles. Any additional requests for edits at this stage will be denied.
For all pieces, I will only edit the finished piece if the commissioner and myself can agree that the changes are justified. Changes concerning character design fall under this category. Any changes such as these will be completed in no more than two edit cycles. Any additional requests for edits will be denied.
Stylistic edits will never be accepted. Please review my gallery and previous commissions before choosing to commission me.
All edits and changes must be requested within 24 hours of wip or final piece distribution. Edits and changes may not be requested for any given stage after approval has been given for that stage.
Payment policy
Full payment is due via invoice only upon acceptance by both parties. This invoice must be paid in full within 24 hours, or your commission will be denied.
Do not send me money directly. I will invoice you for payment. If you send me money directly, I will deny your commission immediately.
No eChecks please.
I do not accept cryptocurrency as payment.
If a payment plan is available (selected YCH only):
We will discuss the details of the installments.
%50 of total sum is always required up front to reserve a YCH slot.
48h are given to make the first payment.
If the first payment requirement is not met I will cancel the invoice and move to a different person or repost the YCH in question.
If the following installments and deadlines are not met as discussed I will refund what was paid and move to a different person or repost the YCH in question.
Please follow all instructions underneath an adoptable post. I will usually ask that bids be made through comments, or on an external bidding site.
All adoptable payments are to be made via invoice only. Do not send me money without an invoice.
Payment is expected within 24 hours of invoice creation. If the invoice is not paid within this time period, you will lose your claim on the adoptable.
After purchase you will receive a full resolution file of the adoptable with a transparent background.
If you have an account on Toyhouse please put me in as the designer/creator of the adopt. Tofu93 is my nickname. I check it often and I will authorize the credit as soon as possible.
You may not claim to be the creator of the design, and you must credit me as the creator.
Reselling and gifting is permitted so long as the adoptable is not sold for more than what you paid unless it comes with additional art that you commission.
Once you purchase an adopt, it is yours to use as you please for non-commercial purposes.
My adoptables are not for commercial use.
You may not turn any adoptable purchased into a closed species.
You are free to make minor changes to an adopt after you purchase it. The adopt must remain recognizable.(Gender, hair color/length, eye color, skin/fur color are all perfectly fine to change so long as they still resemble the original design.)
The commissioner may request a refund at any point during the process before I begin shading.
No refunds will ever be given for a completed piece, or at any time during the shading process.
I will only refund 30% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the flats stage.
I will only refund 50% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the lining stage.
I will only refund 70% of the total commission price if a refund is requested during the sketching stage.
I will only issue a full refund before I begin work on a piece.
Refunds will be issued exclusively by me. I do not allow chargebacks or disputes.
I will not draw
Humans (kemonomimi are welcome)
Bara (light to moderate amounts of muscle are welcome)
Extreme fetishes of any kind
Sex toys
Extreme Gore
Licensed characters
Underage characters
Hateful images or activities
The following species: Vernids, Orcadragons, Sergals
Stolen characters
Anything I find unsavory. As stated above, I reserve the right to deny any commission for any reason.
General things to note
Do not message me asking for a commission outside of when I open them. I will open commissions exclusively via furaffinity.net journal or post.
Feel free to ask about my commissions if you still have questions after reading the above.
Give me 24 hours to respond to any message or note. I am not always at my computer.
Additional characters are always 100% of the base price. I will not draw more than two characters outside of YCHs.
You may not claim any of my art as your own. You must credit me if you would like to post a piece in your own gallery, and link the original post.
You may commission me for gifts, but please show me some evidence that you know the person you are gifting.
I usually take 3-5 days for any pieces, but I work in bulk commissions. This means they may not be started immediately. You may review my trello at any time to track my progress on a piece.
You may see these words used within and without this document or my posts. These definitions are meant to help dissolve any confusion you might have.
YCH: Acronym for Your Character Here. A piece in which the pose is predetermined. I will post the pose as part of the commission opening or auction. Minor changes may be requested to the pose, but none are guaranteed to be accepted. The shading style for these may change, so look at the post description.
Full Render: A wing-it style commission that I offer exclusively in my cell-shaded style. These are half-body (thigh-up) only unless stated otherwise. Simple background with bokeh-like effect included.
WIP: Acronym for Work In Progress. A piece that isn't completed yet and is currently being worked on.